5 Mistakes That Destroy Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

5 Mistakes That Destroy Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

Your website is your shop, and a potential customer’s visit can make them drop everything they were doing, get in their car, and head down to your store. Or it could let them down so hard that they delete your website from their bookmarks list and won’t come back. Conversions are the gateway to sales and that’s what we want – more sales!

The need for conversion optimization is remarkable, with eCommerce shops being forced to invest in digital marketing campaigns to acquire users and convert them into customers. Conversion optimization is a blend of various digital marketing and conversion rate optimization techniques that help convert website visitors into buyers.

No matter how perfect your eCommerce website is, and no matter how many UX and UI design techniques you use to make it easy for customers to convert, it is a must that you avoid doing these mistakes as these mistakes can destroy the conversion rate of your eCommerce site. So, let’s get started exploring these 5 common mistakes.

Mistakes That May Kill Your eCommerce Website Conversion Rate

1. Product Descriptions That Don’t Sell

You’re a business owner, and that means you’re busy.

You have to deal with customers, get the latest sales, and keep your team happy. You don’t have time to write a novel-length description of your products or services—and even if you did, no one would read it anyway.

But your website copy is the one thing that sets you apart from all your competitors. It’s the thing that will attract new customers and keep them coming back for more.

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So what do you do?

Well, here’s the thing: there’s a lot of pressure on a company to come up with creative ways to describe their products or services. They feel like they need to be witty or funny in order for people to take notice—and some companies even go so far as using copywriters who specialize in comedy writing! But unfortunately, this isn’t always going to work for every industry or audience. The best way to get people’s attention is by giving them exactly what they want—not by trying to be funny or clever about it!

2. No Cross-Selling, Upselling, or Personalization

You’re a smart person. You know that your website or product description copy is not the place for cross-selling, upselling, or personalization.

You see why it doesn’t work. You don’t want to talk too much and bore your potential customers. Instead, you want them to feel like they understand what you’re saying and can trust you as they make their decision.

Your online copy is no different from a salesperson. There is one crucial difference though. It’s not as dynamic as a human-to-change narrative mid-conversation. So, your copy has to give the visitor exactly what they’re looking for. It’s okay to be clever about some headlines but only if your niche understands the context.

3. An Old and Outdated Website Design

Do you know that you’re not the only one who has a slow, outdated, and old website design?

Many eCommerce businesses receive feedback that their website is not loading fast enough. It seems like many business owners are unable to keep their visitors on the page for more than 10 seconds. But the serious issue is that it’s time to make a change!

In case, if you are still running your eCommerce website with the same old design, it’s high time to invest in the designing part, including some new design elements and functionalities. With advanced design techniques, designers need to make sure that your website looks upgraded with modern design. 

Taking an example,  if you have hundreds of visitors on your website on daily basis and if you are finding it difficult to keep them on your page for a long, then you are losing all your business. 

Let me tell you one truth – no one likes a website or page that works too slowly and was designed years back. No matter where your visitors are from, all they want is a silk, clean, and smooth-running website. In case, if you still have old-looking websites with so-called functionalities, then the chances are high that they will click away as quickly as possible and move to competitors. Thus, it is a must to have a modern and professional-looking eCommerce website that keeps your conversion rate high.

4. Using Low-Quality Images

The most common mistake that eCommerce shops make is using bad-quality images.

Yes, we all love free stuff but if you are planning to use stock images in your eCommerce store then be ready to lose your customers.

Today’s consumers are more concerned about the quality of the products and services they purchase, and so do search engines. Using high-quality images will help you not only improve your conversion rate but also get a better ranking for your site.

If you want to know how much impact image quality has on conversion rates then here’s a research conducted by Baymard Institute that shows how using poor-quality images can affect your conversion rates.

Therefore, ensure that you have relevant and high-quality images on your website that will drive more customers and help make your buyers permanent. As far as you are using high-quality images in your eCommerce site, you are more likely to boost your website’s conversion rate. 

5. Complex Checkout Process

Another common mistake that most businesses make while running an eCommerce website is a complex checkout process that confuses users and makes them leave your website on an immediate basis. 

Being an owner of the company, make sure that you give your attention to the shopping cart optimization process as it is considered the main gateway to your revenue. Talking about the eCommerce industry, a large portion of cart abandonments is mainly because of how users are interacting with eCommerce websites. 

But the main thing is that this problem can be solved easily through intuitive changes and adjusting designs on the website. According to one report by Baymard, a long and complex process that is not planned accurately can surely disappoint your users. In fact, such a long process can change your potential buyers’ decisions as well. Thus, ensure that your eCommerce website’s checkout process is small and easy to follow. 

Bottom Line

Herein we have discussed the 5 most common mistakes that many eCommerce business owners make while running their websites. Make sure that you avoid these mistakes to improve the overall conversion rate and conversion goals of the site. As a result, it is important for an entrepreneur that they must understand and identify the needs of their customers and fulfill them through a feature-rich website.

Digital Marketing Manager

Nitin is the Digital Marketing Manager at Icecube Digital. He has helped many organizations grow their business online and improve sales through strong branding and consistency in communication.

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