Does Live Chat Increase Sales? Benefits Of Live Chat For Ecommerce Website Customer Service

Does Live Chat Increase Sales? Benefits Of Live Chat For Ecommerce Website Customer Service

No matter how ‘digital’ this age gets; there’s one thing which has no replacement – human connect. This is one facet which separates us from animals. It just exudes a secure feeling altogether, which helps to build trust, something which doesn’t come easily these days.

This is what ‘Live Chat’ brings to the fore. Rather than consumers feeling disconnected with the brand as a whole; the presence of ‘live chat’ allows you to cater to them in real time. No wonder online businesses have been flocking towards live chatting as an option. And e-commerce websites are no different!

Simply put, live chat has empowered brands to fill in the blanks, in a way that is convenient to the customer.Through this article, we’re citing the potential that live chat has and how it can prove to be a boon for e-commerce websites.

‘Convenience’ is a Keyword:

This one’s a no brainer clearly. Live chat is all about convenience in its entirety. Who would not want immediate help access? Gone are those times when you’ll have to bust your head open by trying to get connected to a 1-800 operator. We all know how irritating and time consuming that is.

A recent study by an analytics giant has indicated that no less than 40% online customers prefer the option of live chat when it comes to query resolution i.e. getting help from a live person is their first choice; and often dictates their decision making.

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And it comes as no surprise, does it? As a world, we’re moving ahead on the hunt for convenience.

Keeping Track Finally Pays Off!

A robust live chat tool will not only help you to interact with your customers on a real time basis; but will enable you to keep a track of everything that matters. And what matters the most? Your precious customers, that’s right!

The tool will help managers and decision makers keep tabs on the performance of the customer care team.

There will be access to detailed reports on a periodical basis, be it weekly or monthly. The reports will compare parameters like visitors, chat numbers, page views, average time spent, etc.

A good way to take note of your performance numbers right before the next staff meeting, isn’t it?

“Ask your customers to be part of the solution, and don’t view them as part of the problem.”

– Alan Weiss, Author “Million Dollar Consulting”

Show Me the Money…..

The one thing that rules us all; live chat helps e-commerce website owners to cut down their expenditures substantially. There’s a reason why toll-free numbers are still well and truly active, having first set out around the 1960s.

Everyone needs answers but no one wants to spend to get them. See what we did there?

As any solid Magento Ecommerce development company will tell you, live chat helps reduce the overall numbers by minimizing average interaction costs.

In fact, if you do things right, with live chat – you can save as much as 50% in comparison with other support methods.

Also, customers don’t like to wait. Hence, live chat allows care representatives to tackle multiple visitors simultaneously without a drop in query resolution standards.

Employees will now spend less phone-time and can also indulge in multitasking as well, which will ultimately mitigate the need for more manpower.

Chatting is a Concept That’s ‘In’

chatting is a concept

What would we do without WhatsApp? And to think that it didn’t exist up until a few years ago is mind boggling.

Say what you want, but chatting is internationally loved and the preferred communication medium for millions across the globe.

Rather than looking for a number, waiting and dialling, all one needs to do is type. What’s more? You can straight away hit the nail on the head and ask your query. No small talk necessary!

As much as 60% individuals falling under the 18-34 bracket preferred live chat as a medium, as per a study recently conducted.

Such a wide age demographic should tell you that live chat isn’t just convenient for youngsters; it is equally effective with seniors alike.

Expand Reach By Manifolds

Just like every single business out there, your registered office address doesn’t quite witness the weight of customers you’d require for a lavish living. Not every customer would take the trouble of travelling miles to come see you, right?

This is because customers want to lock hands with brands that they have quick access to. A study conducted by ATG Global Consumer Trend states that no less than 90% of customers prefer live chat in today’s Internet savvy world.

Simply having a website doesn’t mean the hard part is over. Customers who are physically far might not take the plunge still.

However, a live chat options will allow these ‘far’ customers to touch base with you, reach out for answers, and arrange purchases and more.

Reduce the Bounce Rate Quotient

Even if you hire WordPress developer, they will tell you that when it comes to your e-commerce website, bounce rate is a central aspect.

What is bounce rate you ask?

Bounce rate or exit rate as it is often termed is a measure of website traffic. It is an indicator of the % of visitors who take exit from your website instantly. Higher the bounce rate number, the worse it gets for online businesses.

An important thing to remember here is that just like Rome, bounce rates can’t be improved in a day. It takes it own sweet time.

This is where a live chat tool enters the fray; as automatic messages can be sent to new visitors in a pre-decided manner.

Simply find the web pages which aren’t working in terms of the bounce rate via Google analytics or any other similar tool and trigger a pop-up on those pages.

Pop-ups like ‘What are you looking for’ and ‘How may I help you’ have seen to showcase instant results for the better.

This is how you convert just another average customer into a potentially interested lead. That’s Marketing-101 for you!

An Emerging Value Addition Through & Through

Given the ever increasing competition, e-commerce is not a walk in the park. Given the presence of so many parameters, the contender who serves more value to the end user is the one who will rule.

Know a funny thing about trying something new? No one else has done it yet. Actually, if you think about it; its smart and not funny.

Do you know who the second fastest runner in the world is? Guess I’ve made my point.

Not every e-commerce website is taking the benefit of live chat customer service; which makes it all the more plausible to get there first and reap the benefits while the odds are in your favour.

A concise report by E-Marketer states that nearly 2/10 live chat respondents indulged in more than 75% of their shopping online, stacking next to a mere 14%. Impressed yet?

However, if you still aren’t convinced, go check out comm100’s website right away and go through the various perks of having a live chat option for an e-commerce website.

Customer Service At Its Best

Customer Service At Its Best

There’s a reason why every profitable online business out there prioritizes customer service before everything else. Because it is the only thing that works irrespective of the season.

eDigital conducted a comprehensive survey a few years ago; wherein 73% of the overall participants opted for live chat ahead of social media, SMS, e-mail and other channels. Not a bad number to have, is it?

Live chat not only takes away the effort needed to raise a ticket, but helps to reduce the time taken by traditional calling methods.

When was the last time you weren’t in a hurry to get started early morning? It is all about speed these days.

Also, given the fact that live chat is an on-the-move thing, it is soaring in terms of popularity on a daily basis. And third party integration further tips the balance in its favour.

Clearly, live chat should be the first customer care option for all e-commerce websites.

As they say, ‘Customers may forget what you said but they’ll never forget how you made them feel’.

Hit the Nail Right On Its Head

Where live chat works and everything else fails is that you can directly tap customer pain points without beating around the bush. Now this is an invaluable commodity to have.

What’s a pain point?

A pain point is a ‘need’ that needs fulfilment for the customer’s end. It is a frustrating value which the end user isn’t getting; hence ‘pain point’.

Would you rather have a customer posting on your Facebook wall about what is lacking in your e-commerce website, or would you want someone to privately message you seeking positive changes?

The decision couldn’t be easier!

Getting immediate access to what’s not working is as good as getting over-the-roof customer testimonials.

This will help customer care representatives to pay attention to things that matter, identify areas of improvement; figure out ways to improve a brand’s services and products.

Another survey from a renowned entity states that almost 63% online visitors tend to return to a website which has the option of live chat.

The same survey included other key findings like around 62% consumers will be ever more likely to buy from such a website whereas no less than 38% of the buyers cited live chat as the reason why they made the purchase in the first place.

Because Customer Feedback Is Priceless

Can you think of a more convenient method to ask customers to leave a proper feedback? Me neither!

Inculcating long survey forms and expecting customers to fill is just too far-fetched a phenomenon these days. No one has the patience anymore!

Go for such dynamic methods like live chat and wave your goodbyes to the methods which once worked.

By making smart use of triggers, live chat invites can be sent forth to customers who have already been converted asking them about the experience they’ve had and rate some products/services in the process.

Customer feedback is always necessary, no matter how big or small brands become. This is one thing which will always stay evergreen.

Sales Galore!

Last but not the least, does live chat increase sales?

Forbes magazine went on to claim:

“In 2008, Wells Fargo made a second attempt to leverage online chat to drive sales, and happily, this time the results have been crystal clear. High customer satisfaction scores and a double-digit increase in converted shoppers have shown the value once and for all of this technology.”

If customers are tagged along with someone credible; a person who can walk them through the most coveted products, latest additions, maximum discounts, a sale is the inevitable output.

Once visitors are interacting with a real person who understands their needs to the fullest, the hard part is over. Substantial improvements are witnessed in terms of numbers resulting in increased sales.

Doesn’t it sound like a happy-ever-after story?

How To Choose The Right Live Chat Option For Your E-commerce Website

Well, given the quantum of options available in the market, you will definitely feel spoilt for choice. And mostly, all top live chat options will be offloading similar features.

We’ve dissected some of the top ones here:

LivePerson – LivePerson seamlessly integrates with both Facebook and Salesforce apart from possessing an entire suit of analytical tools. This way you can dissect consumer behaviour whilst indulging in meaningful conversations through and through.

Comm100 – A global provider of consumer-centric solutions, Comm100 is packed with a wide array of features including the likes of e-mail marketing, ticketing, help desk, auto chat distribution, screen sharing, co-browsing languages, auto chat translation and a lot more.

JivoChat – Boasting no less a few hundred thousand customers, JivoChat is available 24×7 365 days a year. It supports 20 international languages and has been widely recognized for bringing in Mobile SDK, JavaScript API and quick deployment right from the off.

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Bhavin M, co-founder of Icecube Digital, spends much of his time creating simple but valuable content which helps ecommerce entrepreneurs to grow their online business.